Monday, May 31, 2010


Researching for a far more "sophisticated" version of my essay was both a blessing and a curse. I'd often find that books were often far more helpful than using JSTOR or EBSCO HOST, the latter of which hardly helped at all. Finding sources for my essay was something I began to dislike relatively early on, but only for a moment. I suppose I quickly got a bit disappointed when I found I had trouble finding sources within five minutes or so. But that's a fault of mine, not anyone else's.

While I disliked often having to put on different search terms and not the obvious "food and magic", I found a sense of accomplishment on finally finding what I'd be able to use for my essay. Looking for books was a lot more complex than I imagined (I never borrowed from books from the library here at LaGuardia), but only because so many were doing the same! That, however, is something I'm glad for as it shows everyone is having the same enthusiasm and spirit for the assignment. All in all, this was a good assignment that really helped build on a research essay that we all had to do in ENG101.

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